If you haven't been told lately, "Girl, you are so awesome! And doing an amazing job."
As we enter into Women's History Month, I want to remind you of the trailblazers that you are! We manage our households and families; we're entrepreneurs, leaders, co-workers, caretakers, friends, servants, and the list continues. We are doing our best, and God does the rest. All while often fighting some form of a spiritual battle that we are striving to overcome, ultimately desiring to live the purposeful and abundant life God has destined for us.
Please know that we see you, beautiful! You are appreciated!
You are incredible, and please don't forget that. You are God's design. You are necessary. You have a purpose.
A Proverbs 31 woman.
A Prayer For you: Sis, I pray that you only see yourself as God sees you. May His love and promises take root in your heart and replace any lie and demonic agenda of the enemy. I pray God's favor and grace over your life. May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding rest upon you in all your endeavors, and may healing, wholeness, and the strength of the Lord be your portion. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Prayer Requests: >>Click Here<<
