It’s crystal clear, friend; we live in a broken world. You can see the cracks running through every part of human life. But more than anything, you can feel it through the human experience of pain.
I am confident that you have experienced some type of suffering in your life. You may even be experiencing pain as you’re reading these words.
When you find yourself in the throes of chronic pain, loss, or a heavy burden, it can feel as though God has hidden Himself away. Pain may be familiar to you in the form of loneliness, a torn family, depression, or a circumstance that discourages you deeply. The list is endless.
When our feelings overwhelm and suffering enfolds us, there is a firm truth that we can cling to. In the stormiest times of your life, the most comforting thing to know is that God remains on His throne, even through your suffering. That means that the size of our problems does not weaken God’s power.
One of the most life-changing things to learn is that we are not promised a life that is free from pain. Although none of us would protest against it. Yet, the bible speaks of suffering.
God’s very own Son, Jesus, suffered for our sake. That is the example we are called to follow. But His suffering not only glorified God, but it also accomplished God’s purpose in sending Him, and Jesus will receive His reward as reigning King forever!
The beauty in the suffering of those who rely on God is this: it is not a waste. God is in it and works through our pain for the ultimate purpose of His glory and our good. Our good doesn’t equal riches but restoration; it doesn’t always mean health, but it does mean holiness.
Because He has overcome the world, we can share in His victory even in our day-to-day struggles, knowing that one day we will be absent from this world of pain and with Him rejoicing for all eternity. Don’t give up! He’s got you.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33
A Prayer for You: Dear God, thank You for making my hardships meaningful. Help me to turn to You and to let You work in me, through those times. Strengthen my faith through the fiery trials and help me to come out as pure gold on the other side. Though I may not always understand, help me to trust Your wisdom, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Be encouraged and be blessed 💞