It's the beginning of the year, where we tend to set new vision, goals, and a path forward for the year. What is on your heart to birth this year?
At the beginning of the year, I go on a spiritual fast and spend some intimate time with the Lord. It’s always a blessing, a reset, and a renewal where God downloads vision for His purposes for my life. The next step is for me to walk it out in faith. But, honestly, I don’t always take a confident leap. I have my reasons, none of which compare to reaching towards God’s best and plans for my life. Reasons such as doubt, fear, and a glance at what’s already on my plate, and the inability to comprehend how I could add more.
In 2 Corinthians 12:9 we are reminded by Jesus, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
I shared that so you'll know that I wholeheartedly understand the space between the vision and the first step. And as your sister, I want to encourage you (myself included) to just Go After It!
Whatever that thing is that you feel burdened to start (or change) this year, I’m praying for your faith and consistency along the way. You got this!
I want to encourage you with these tips as you start the vision and may they also be a reminder as needed:

1) Start and keep going!
Sometimes we think we need the perfect blueprint, or it has to be fully laid out before we can begin, but sis, just start! Have faith in the process and follow God’s path for direction (Prov 3:5-6). Even if you stop or feel discouraged, pick back up and keep going. God dropped this ministry in my belly on June 29, 2017. I remember it like it was yesterday. That night, I searched for domain and social media availability and began to move forward. I felt super confident - at that moment. Fast forward, I passively launched June 2, 2018, literally hit “go live” and the website was up - I barely told a soul. Did I struggle along the way? Absolutely, but I picked it back up and kept going.
2) Do it for you
So that might sound selfish but think of all the areas where you stretch and pour into others. We often put our wants and desires on the back burner and forget ourselves in the process. Are you not deserving of doing something for yourself? Listen, You deserve it. I understand there will be seasons for certain things, but when it’s your time, do it for you. Just last night, I was scrolling through pictures with my daughter (17), and we went all the way back to around five years of age. There were pictures/videos from girl scouts, cheerleading competitions, vacations, school plays, award ceremonies, and more. I said, “You had a great and active childhood,” and I smiled because I was grateful to be there along the way. Most times, as a volunteer parent. That was my purpose at that time. God has since graced me with this ministry right as my daughter started phasing out of those activities that required my full time and attention. How strategic is He? Although I'm still very present in my daughter's life, I'm also doing something purposeful for me.
3) Believe in it
Starting a new thing, especially when you can’t see the outcome, can be scary. The unknown is scary. But sometimes, it takes an additional level of belief to keep going and doing. Whatever it is that you have set forth to do, you’ve got to believe in it. Someone once told me, “you have to believe in your vision before others will.” There have been times when I've had one foot on the side of belief and the other nestled in disbelief. I didn’t think I was capable, I didn’t believe I was worthy, I couldn’t see God’s full plan; thus, I was doubtful and afraid. So I get it. I hope you can find encouragement and know you are not alone on this journey. We’re about to lock hands and jump in afraid. Together. Most importantly, God promises never to leave nor forsake His daughters (Deut 31:6). So you are covered. If we don’t believe and go forth, we’ll never know what’s on the other side of the vision.
So I’ll ask you again: Is there something on your heart to birth this year? If so, Go After It! And be sure to let us know how it’s coming along. We’d love to share your testimony, encouragement, or any advice to your sisters on what’s worked for you!
Be Blessed!
